You might have noticed things have changed a little around here!
From the team at The Velveteen Rabbit Luncheon Club, we’re immensely proud to unveil our brand new website!
Designed by our good friends at NECL (check them out if you need web design or IT support for your business), our brand new shiny website allows us to showcase our changing food menu, while also giving us an additional platform to keep you informed about upcoming events here at The Velvet Rabbit Luncheon Club. Plus, we also have a dedicated section on the new website to let you know about the markets and events we’ll be attending as we get Out ‘N’ About at various community focussed events!
We really hope you like the website and we would absolutely welcome any customer feedback.
If it’s a table you’re looking to book, head over to the contact us page and make your request for a reservation today!
We look forward to welcoming you to The Velvet Rabbit Luncheon Club sometime in the not too distant future.
Kirstine and Ian.